Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 Resolutions

Greetings! First off - Happy 2013 everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their new years celebrations and is doing a good job of keeping to their resolutions. As for my resolutions... 

I know the "New Years Resolutions" posts are highly overrated - after all its usually by mid-February we wonder why we even put some actual thought into making this annual to-do list. But I figured that since I have a blog I might at well put this up here so I can have something more real to look back on. 

As you can see the first one is most related to my blog anyways! I started this adventure with such high expectations but it really was at the wrong time. Plus I'm terrible at time management, I'm excellent at planning and schedule-making, but I have a little trouble sticking to the outline. My boyfriend likes to joke that I could plan a really fantastic wedding and not actually show up to it - ha ha - NOT! Anyways, this year I'm not going to post certain schedule but I want to blog more than once a month. I cook all the time, way more than post, and I want to change that this year. I also need to start recording them, at first this was just a way to keep track of my recipes but I think it has the potential to be more than just a recipe tracker.

I have a few great recipes that I need to post from last year, and also a great recipe that my mother and grandmother tested tonight! Can't wait to start posting! 


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